1) Added a bunch of effects and visuals. Also improved the suppression effect and added recoil.

2) Added a hit and suppression indication sound effects

3) Added more enemies and a goal destination

4) Added Level reload screen and aim reticle. Improved suppress and recoil effects

5) Fixed audio

6) Improved AI and enemy movement

7) Added better gun model

8) Added death camera and message.

9) Fixed stutter

10) Fixed seemingly random death

You are a soldier in combat. All it takes is one hit and you are dead but; its the same for everybody. The catch is each near miss causes you to flinch and not be able to shoot straight. You have infinite ammo might as well use it all. This game is not about sniping and quick-scopes and headshots. It's about suppressing the enemy to prevent them from hitting you.

Hint: shoot at the enemies to make it harder for them to hit you(they flinch too).

You start the game surrounded, in the middle of combat. Kill all enemies and make it to the goal alive. There are about 20 enemies. Reload the page to restart when you die. Might be a bit too hard.

 This is a bit rough. I did the enemy AI myself and I ran out of time to get it perfect. 

Aim reticle and sights (Halfway)

Limited ammo and reloading (ToDo)

Continuous game with new spawning enemies (ToDo)

Enemy AI (Kinda)

Multiplayer (ToDo)

Sound (Not bad)

UI (ToDo)

Different Guns (ToDo)

Crouching (ToDo)

Sprinting (A bit)

I changed the title to Flinch after it became clear that the concept of panic and flinching are a bit too different.

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